05.14.2023 | 10:15 PM | SANTA ANA – A tiny kitten stole the spotlight when it interrupted a search for a break-in suspect, Sunday night.
The incident began to unfold when police were alerted to a break-in at a two-story building located in the 300 block of South Main Street around 10:15 PM.
When authorities arrived they found evidence of a break-in and were informed that there may be firearms inside the home.
Officers donned ballistic helmets and equipped themselves with rifles as they took up position around the building with the assistance of an armored vehicle.
After searching the property no suspects were located and authorities cleared the scene.
But in the middle of it all a tiny kitten pranced through the scene, meowing, and attempting to mingle with officers.
The feline was relocated from the area but later returned to demand attention from the officers and had to be relocated again.
A larger cat was observed near where the kitten was relocated to and may have been related though it was unclear where either of the kittens originated from.