Irvine: Woman Rescued From Near Drowning

06.01.2024 | 5:50 PM | IRVINE – A woman was rescued from a community pool amid a near drowning incident, Saturday evening.

Authorities responded to reports of a drowning at the community pool located in the 100 block of Pinestone around 5:50 PM.

When units arrived they located a female adult who had been pulled from the pool and was coughing up water.

Medics treated the woman on scene before rushing her to Hoag Irvine in unknown condition.

Reports from the scene indicate the woman was in the midst of drowning when bystanders rescued her from the pool.

Police are on scene investigating the circumstances of the near drowning incident.

Miles Madison

Miles started reporting breaking news in 2015 and has been providing high-quality news video and timely reports from the Orange County area ever since. Combining his experience as a seasoned photojournalist, radio operator and sleuth, Miles provides unrivaled multimedia news reports.